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Preparing Your Roof For A Change In Season

Date Published: September 22, 2022

Now that we are heading into autumn and the temperature has started to drop, it’s a good time to check on the state of your roof.

After long periods of increased sunlight and a reduction in rainfall, summer may have taken its toll on your structure.

So before getting into wetter weather and frosts, it’s advisable to ensure your roof is ready.

Not sure what to look out for, or when to take actions?

Here are our top tips for preparing your roof before the seasons change.

Work Through A Roof Checklist

There are several actions you can take to help identify potential issues with your roof.

If you’ve never had your roof professionally inspected, or its been a few years, now is the best time to book one in.

Often a trained eye can spot a potential weak spot long before any leaks occur and damage the property’s interior.

Ultimately, the decision is yours as to whether you take on this task alone, or enlist the professional services of an expert.

Either way, these are the key points to look out for:

  • Check The Roof Drains – Debris on your roof can easily build up in drains, causing water to pool. The longer water sits on your roof, the more likely it is to find a leak point or deteriorate the surface.
  • Check The Seals Around Pipes  – Seals around pipes and projections are more exposed and so usually wear out quicker than the rest of the roof. Keep an eye on these weak points, as they can be easy to repair if caught early.

Repairing Roof Damage Before Winter

When it comes to liquid waterproofing, there aren’t many issues that a properly trained professional won’t be able to fix.

However, acting quickly is essential in order to nip problems in the bud.

Whether you have a damaged flat roof that needs to be completely re-waterproofed, or small areas that need to be repaired and re-sealed, we have the right product for the job – including our WIDOPAN-FD and WIDOCRYL-PM TEN waterproofing systems.

If areas of your roof have failed over the summer due to UV damage, you’ll be happy to know that many of our products have a high UV resistance.

Ensuring you use a qualified professional means your repair job will be done correctly, first time.

Speak to a WIDOPAN-approved contractor before winter arrives.

With full knowledge of the products we supply and the best way to apply them, you will be in the safest hands.

To learn more about our excellent range of products, contact a member of our team today.


